坂本家のエゾエノキ(Sakamoto Family Japanese hackberry)
推定樹齢(Estimated Age) 不明(unknown)
幹周合計(Circumference) 3.58m
樹 高(Height) 17.00m
Called "ezoenoki" in Japanese, the Japanese hackberry has a name which suggests its origins are on the northern island of Hokkaido, formerly known as Ezo. However, Japanese hackberries are distributed across the country, from Hokkaido in the north to Kyushu in the south. Japanese hackberries are also famous as the primary spawning tree for the Japanese emperor butterfly.
While close to Oja Seaside, the road to this Japanese hackberry is a little hard to find. And since it's in the middle of a private farm field, an official guide is required to visit it.
※Please visit this tree with an official guide (Contact Hashikami Town for details)