(上:トチノキの花、実、イチイのトンネル|Above: Japanese Horse Chestnut Flowers, Fruit, Japanese Yew Tunnel)

青森県指定天然記念物|Aomori Prefecture Natural Treasure

推定樹齢(Estimated Age)     850年(years)
幹周合計(Circumference)      6.98m
樹高(Height)                      28.50m
青森県内最大級         Ranked among the largest in Aomori Prefecture




 伝承によると、茨島家の祖先がこの地に初めて移住した時、宅地の西北隅にあった大木 (銀杏であったと伝 えられている)が枯死してから当家に不幸事が重なり、この事について祈祷師(占い師)に尋ねたところ、「この大木の代わりに実の成る木を植えなさい」と勧められ、上方(京都かと伝えられている)から一粒のとちの実を手に入れて宅地内に植えたところ、芽が出てすくすく育ち、以来茨島家の守り神として崇められています。

  This Japanese horse chestnut's estimated age is 850 years. It is owned by the Barajima Family, who used to live in the large, thatched roof home nextdoor. The Japanese horse chestnut is a deciduous tree that prefers damp environments.

  The leaves of the Japanese horse chestnut are very large, among the largest of the various tree species found in this area. They are long, with a single extended stem from which five to seven leaves grow. The entire structure can reach up to 50cm in length. The leaves grow at the tips of the branches, and in autumn they fall to the ground, leaving the fruit exposed. The branches of this tree have grown long and heavy, so they are held up by wooden supports.

  Behind this Japanese horse chestnut, there is a natural tunnel created by the branches of a row of Japanese yews.

  It is said that long ago, there was a large gingko tree at the northwest corner of the Barajima Family's property. According to legend, when this tree died, members of the family became plagued by misfortune. They sought the council of a fortune teller, who told them to replace the gingko with a fruit bearing tree. It is believed that they obtained the seed of a Japanese horse chestnut from Kyoto, which when planted, sprouted and grew quickly, becoming a protective spirit that they still revere to this day.