(上:平のサイカチ、サイカチの実|Above: Honey Locust of the Plain and seed pods)

青森県指定天然記念物|Aomori Prefecture Natural Treasure

推定樹齢(Estimated Age)     800年(years)
幹周合計(Circumference)     6.40m
樹高(Height)                         15.00m
国内最大級                                Ranked among the largest in Japan



  When scrubbed together in water, honey locust seed pods produce a natural soapy substance. According to the Hirano Family's ancestors, this honey locust's seeds were used as a kind of detergent until sometime after World War II. In the present, the seeds are still used as detergent for washing Japanese lacquerware.

  The sap of the honey locust is a favorite of beetles and other insects, which are often found on the trunk. It is also used as a natural expectorant and diuretic. 

※Please visit this tree with an official guide (Contact Hashikami Town for details)