蛭子家のウツギ(Hiruko Family bridal wreath)
青森県指定天然記念物|Aomori Prefecture Natural Treasure
推定樹齢(Estimated Age) 不明(Unknown)
幹周合計(Circumference) 1.53m
樹高(Height) 4.00m
国内最大級 Ranked among the largest in Japan
While its age is unknown, there are no records in Japan for any other bridal wreaths this large. A member of the hydrangea family, it is a deciduous shrub also known as "unohana" in Japan. This variety produces uniquely doubled white flowers, which bloom from May to June. Bridal wreath grows wild around the country, and is often planted as a hedge around farm fields and in gardens for ornamental purposes. The Japanese name for bridal wreath is "utsugi", which means "hollow tree". It derives from the fact that the trunk and branches are hollow in the center.