小松家のイチイ(Komatsu Family Japanese yew)
推定樹齢(Estimated Age) 300年(years)
幹周合計(Circumference) 3.1m
樹高(Height) 10.00m
This pair of Japanese yews stand on the roadside and belong to the Komatsu Family. Their root systems are partially exposed, and grip the ground powerfully. They produce delicate little flowers in April, which develop into red berries at the beginning of autumn. The berries have a spherical "cup" shape, and contain a red juice in which a small round seed is suspended. The juice is sweet, but the seeds are bitter and contain a type of taxine alkaloid, which is toxic.
The Japanese yew is the city tree of both Hachinohe City and Tono City.
When visiting the Komatsu Family's Japanese yews, look for the oversized witch hazel growing beside them.