栁沢家のアサダ(Yanagisawa Family Japanese hop hornbeam)
階上町指定天然記念物|Hashikami Town Natural Treasure
推定樹齢(Estimated Age) 不明(Unknown)
幹周合計(Circumference) 4.30m
樹高(Height) 22.00m
国内最大級 Ranked among the largest in Japan
Among the recorded "giant" Japanese hop hornbeams in Japan, this tree has the second largest trunk circumference in the country. Its bark presents a unique pattern, alternating between dark brown and taupe, with shallow vertical tears and irregular cracks. Its peculiar appearance owes in part to the way its bark peels off in long, coarse scales. There are very few giant trees like this one in Japan, making it very valuable.
※Please visit this tree with an official guide (Contact Hashikami Town for details)